2022 Speakers


February 3, 11:00 am (replay on February 6, 5:00 pm)

Stephen M. Walt, Robert and Renée Belfer Professor of International Affairs, Kennedy School, Harvard University

“President Biden’s Foreign Policy: Is America Really Back?”

February 10, 11:00 am (replay on February 13, 5:00 pm)

Kiersten E. Todt, Chief of Staff, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

“The Cybersecurity Threat Landscape: An Opportunity for Operational Collaboration”

February 17, 11:00 am (replay on February 20, 5:00 pm)

Rachel Kyte, The Fletcher School, Tufts University

“When Climate Change Changes Everything, Everything Must Change”

February 24, 11:00 am (replay on February 27, 5:00 pm)

Robert Kuttner, Professor of Public Policy, Heller School, Brandeis University; Co-Editor, The American Prospect

“The China Challenge: Economics, Geopolitics, Climate”

March 3, 11:00 am (replay on March 6, 5:00 pm)

Thomas M. Nichols, Author; Contributing Writer, The Atlantic

“Our Own Worst Enemy: The Assault from Within on Modern Democracy”

March 10, 11:00 am (replay on March 13, 5:00 pm)

Andrew Bacevich, President, Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft

“After the Apocalypse”

March 17, 11:00 am (replay on March 20, 5:00 pm)

Sung-Yoon Lee, Kim Koo-Korea Foundation Professor of Korean Studies and Assistant Professor, The Fletcher School, Tufts University

“The Rise of Kim Yo Jong, North Korea’s First Sister: The Kim Siblings’ Grand Scheme”

March 24, 11:00 am (replay on March 27, 5:00 pm)

Geoffrey Kemp, Director, Regional Security Programs, Center for the National Interest, Washington, D. C.

“Game Changes in the Middle East”